Bed Pan
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The Male Urinal offers exceptional value for money, it is made from high-quality clear plastic and features a snap-on lid and a secure seal, along with a carry handle for ease of use.
Its long neck design makes it very discreet and minimizes the risk of spillage, ensuring that gentlemen can use it comfortably and without any mess. Additionally, this urinal is designed with clear, embossed graduated markings on its side, making it easy for users or carers to measure urine output accurately for medical or record-keeping purposes.
The Male Urinal is an affordable and user-friendly option that prioritises convenience, comfort, and hygiene. Whether you are at home, on the go, or in a healthcare setting, this urinal is a reliable and practical solution that will meet your needs.
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VAT relief means disabled and chronically ill people are exempt from paying VAT on items purchased. This means they pay 0% VAT and therefore save money.
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